Alex Bennett

Software Engineer & AWS Certified Cloud Architect with over a decade of experience building comprehensive technology solutions across many industries.

OSS contributor, conference speaker, and life-long learner.

Let's build something great, together.

🧰 Languages, libraries, and frameworks

React (Next.js/Remix), React Native, Qwik, Node.js, TypeScript, GraphQL/Apollo, Webpack, Rust, Wasm and many more.

🧩 Patterns

Serverless, Micro frontends, Event Sourcing and Event Driven Architecture, CQRS, functional programming, SOLID principles, clean architecture, BFF, Service-full integration, Polylith, RPC/gRPC, Plugin, Domain Driven Design.

🧠 Knowledgable about

DevOps, Compilers, Frameworks, Runtimes, Javascript toolchain, Testing, Monorepos, Performance Engineering, Observability, Browser APIs, State Management, Design Systems.

⛅️ Clouds

AWS, GCP, Cloudflare, Vercel, Netlify, Heroku, Supabase, Railway, etc

🗄 Databases

Realtional: Postgres, MySQL, Nonrelational: DynamoDB, MongoDB, Redis. Also have worked with Columnar and Graph DBs.

✏️ Design

Figma, SketchUp, Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premier Pro


I worked with Zack Jackson to write a webpack plugin to syncronize multiple, independent builds using Module Federation and I wrote about it here.

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This OSS project was later published in the seminal book on Micro-Frontends, written by Principal AWS Engineer, Luca Mezzalira.

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As an early champion and adopter of MFE and Module federation, I gave a talk at Develop Denver in 2019 about the MFE archietcture I built for a 8Bn dollar company.

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Here is a link to a powerpoint presentation I give on Micro frontends, and Module Federation to stakeholders and other engineers.

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Boggle Word Finder

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Built with computer science fundamentals such a recursion, breadth first search, and depth first search. The tech stack is built with Qwik.js Rust, Wasm, web workers, and CSS for the styles.

The boogle clone works by taking two sources of input. The first is a string of letters that represent the board. The second is a dictionary of words. The program will then find all the words that can be made from the board and the dictionary.

Music Visualizer

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Built with three.js, Web Audio APIs, and knowledge of trigonometry and sound physics.

It works by taking music as input data and the program will get a set amount of frequencies. For each frequency, it will get the amplitude, and it will use this information to create a visual representation of the music. The visualizer requires an MP3 to play. Here is a soundbyte MP3 of Beethovens 5th Symphony if you do not have one available. Download MP3

Federating Wasm Modules

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Built with webpack module federation, Rust, and Wasm

This decoupled UI toolchain shows how powerful webpack module federation can be by not only federating (sharing) Javascript code between two apps, but also sharing Rust-flavored Wasm. This was demoed by Zack Jackson at this first ever microfrontend conference. It is also in the official module federation examples repository.


Product Science

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Product Science is a startup that builds perfomance tools for mobile engineers, leveraging AI to create deep insights of runtime execution in a multithreaded environment.

I worked on the frontend team, building out the UI for the performance profiler, which is a canvas based react that that renders a flame graph. A video of the app, and timelines to search through each. Other features include a Main Execution path which shows how functions are called over time. This is a completely novel design not present anywhere else in the performace tooling space.